Empowering the
local governance.

Local Capacity Building

Empower Panchayat enhances local governance skills and capabilities through targeted training programs and resources for effective project management.

Inclusive Development

We ensure every community member benefits from equitable access to resources, promoting holistic and inclusive growth and prosperity.

Quality Social Protection

Empower Panchayat delivers comprehensive welfare programs addressing health, education, housing, and livelihoods, improving the quality of life.

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Urban population has been doubled in 30 Years from 25 Cr (26%) in 1995 to 52 Cr (36%) in 2024

Why Migration is Happening?


Rural migration is often fueled by the struggle for livelihood, as local Self-Help Groups and Farmer Producer Organizations face growth barriers. Limited self-employment and job options push individuals to seek economic security elsewhere, driving them towards urban migration.

Lack of amenities for SPENDING

Rural areas, with their deficient health, education, and housing infrastructures, lack basic living necessities like clean water, sanitation, and electricity. The absence of sports and entertainment options further drives the rural populace towards cities, seeking a quality of life that villages are yet to offer.

How Can We Reverse It?

Providing Earning Opportunities

  • Skill Development: Offering training programs to equip rural populations with employable skills.
  • Access to Funds: Facilitating financial resources for entrepreneurial ventures and agricultural improvements.
  • Supply Chain Support: Ensuring the availability of necessary supplies to support local businesses and farming.
  • Market Access: Platforms for rural products to reach broader markets, both domestically and internationally.

Enhancing Basic Amenities:

  • Healthcare: Developing healthcare infrastructure to provide accessible and quality medical services in rural areas.
  • Education: Improving educational facilities to ensure comprehensive and inclusive education for rural children.
  • Housing and Sanitation: Building adequate housing and sanitation facilities to enhance living conditions.
  • Sports and Entertainment: Introducing recreational facilities to enrich the community life in villages, promoting a better quality of life.

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Recent Workshops of Empower Panchayat

IIT Madras

Empower Panchayat, recently conducted a workshop at IIT Madras on local government opportunities and capacity building and garnered support from the reputed guests of the institution.

IIT Guwahati

Shri Amit Shukla, founder of Empower Panchayat was at IIT Guwahati recently conducting a workshop to discuss the earning opportunity of the stakeholders of the Gram Panchayat.

IIM Mumbai

Amit Shukla, founder of Empower Panchayat, visited IIM Mumbai to discuss in a workshop the topic of local government’s potential in the changing world order and capacity building with the top business school’s stakeholders and gathered enormous support.

IIT Bhubaneswar

Empower Panchayat recently organized a workshop at IIT Bhubaneswar, emphasizing local government opportunities and capacity building. The event received significant backing from the distinguished guests and attendees of the institution.

NITTTR Chandigarh

Empower Panchayat’s founder Shri Amit Shukla recently hosted a workshop at NITTTR Chandigarh, focusing on Gram Panchayat’s potential and adaption for capacity in the world of AI and changing data policies.

AKTU Lucknow

Empower Panchayat recently conducted a workshop at AKTU Lucknow, highlighting how local government can leverage the potential of social protection policies and marketplaces like ONDC and create opportunities for its stakeholders.

Monetary Potential

Potential of 29 Subjects

‘Competence’ and ‘Capability’ gap has come up as the biggest hindrance for the Panchayats to evolve as trusted institution.

Lakh crore of central and state budget on welfare schemes
0 +
Lakh crore of total budget spent on these 29 subjects
0 +
Lakh village panchayats across the entire country
0 +
Lakh crore per panchayat per year, 65% live in villages
0 +

A Message From the Founder

I founded EasyGov in 2015, which became part of Reliance Jio in 2019, to ensure marginalized individuals receive health, education, housing, food, and livelihood support. Despite efforts, the current welfare system excludes 30% of the needy. Realizing no technology could align policy, politics, and bureaucracy, I rethought the solution. Empower Panchayat was born to decentralize power to local governments, enabling Gram Sabhas to address local issues directly. Through workshops, podcasts, and my book “Sashakt Panchayat – Samriddh Bharat ki Sankalpana,” I aim to empower local governance for effective social protection delivery.

Amit Shukla


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By participating, you help in building physical and social infrastructure, ensuring sustainable development.


Empower Panchayat is dedicated to empowering local governance through AI and Digital Public Goods. Your volunteer work will support various initiatives, including skill development, project management, and beneficiary selection.

Be a part of this transformative journey towards a stronger and self-reliant Bharat. Join us now and make a significant impact!


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